28 Weeks Later
28 Weeks Later (2007)

28 Weeks Later

(25 hlasujte)




The logos on top of the HSBC and Citigroup buildings vary from nonexistent to clearly visible.

About halfway into the movie, the "infected" charge frantically down the dark tunnel.

When they reach the stairs, they all slow down, take small steps, and grab the side rails to avoid falling.

When the girl is in the pizza shop, a window above the Greek restaurant is alternately open and shut in different shots.

When the aircraft with repatriated people approaches London, it is headed to Runway 09 at London City Airport.

When the passengers get off the aircraft, they are at Stansted Airport, in the terminal buildings.

The route the survivors took around London, and the distances involved, would not be possible in the time frame as shown in the film.

When the survivors are driving to escape the toxic gas, the windshield is covered in blood, which disappears in the next shot, then reappears.

Flynn's helicopter changes multiple times.

He falls asleep in an Aerospatiale Gazelle.

When he attempts to rescue Doyle, he is flying an Aerospatiale A-Star.

When he lands in the stadium to rescue Doyle and the children, he is once again flying an Aerospatiale Gazelle.

The DLR train carrying the settlers from the airport has "Greenwich" on the front.

Greenwich is across the river from Isle of Dogs, so it wouldn't have been quarantined.

When Don is running across the field from the farmhouse to the boat jetty, you can see fresh tire marks in the grass from earlier takes.

After repeated attempts to start the car using the starter, Doyle decides to push-start the car to help Andy, Scarlet and Tammy escape the gas.

Push-starting only works when the battery doesn't have enough power to activate the starter.

Since the starter was working, push-starting would be useless.

When the children are riding the motorbike through the cemetery, fresh flowers are on one of the graves.

Since the cemetery is outside the quarantine zone, there should be no-one around to visit the deceased.

Many times, the actual sounds of the Aerospatiale Gazelle are replaced by a more familiar helicopter sound, although in a few places, you do hear the Gazelle's distinctive high rotor speed and squealing from the Fenestron tail rotor.

When Flynn is hovering next to Doyle, you can clearly see the stunt pilot, wearing a black balaclava, glasses, and a radio headset.

Infected Don kills Scarlett by beating her with the M4, swinging it like a baseball bat.

Viewed through the scope, it looks like he is jabbing her with the muzzle of the gun.

General Stone says that the Infection does not "cross species.

" However, the original outbreak began when humans came in contact with infected chimps.

This is most likely caused by a confusion between Order and Species.

The Rage virus can infect all species within the primate order, but it cannot infect any other order (aquatic life forms for example).

After code red is called, aircraft come in to firebomb Canary Wharf.

They lay down carpets of fire in the streets, but the light from the flames is not reflected in the huge number of windows in the buildings which line these streets.

(12:53-13:54) A plane is shown landing at London City Airport.

Many of the buildings and equipment seen are unique to London Stansted Airport.

(at around 55 mins) When the two children are riding the motorbike on Tower Bridge, just as you see Andy's face, there is a cameraman standing on the pavement.

At the end, when the helicopter approaches the cliffs of Dover, all the fields have short, neat grass.

After 6 months without mowing, they should be wildly overgrown.

Scarlett wears her hair in a ponytail while in uniform.

The US Army requires females in uniform to wear their hair above their collar.

At Charing Cross station, during Don and Scarlet's showdown, a Jubilee Line train is on the platform.

The Jubilee Line hasn't stopped at Charing Cross since 1999.

In the surgery scenes, people are only wearing surgical masks.

The virus is transferred via blood and body fluids, so everyone in quarantine should have worn goggles, especially the doctor.

When Andy is jumping on the trampoline, the grass is trimmed.

After 6 months of neglect, the grass would be overgrown, and the trampoline covered in debris.

Flynn's helicopter is a British Gazelle.

The US force could have taken control of it after arriving, but considering the state of the country, and the fact that the US uses their own equipment when possible, it's not likely.

Doyle tries to start the car using the starter while sitting on the left side of the car.

In England, the steering/starter switch is on the right side.

When he decides to push-start the car, to help Andy, Scarlet and Tammy escape the gas, Scarlett tries to start and drive from the right side.

When Andy & Tam escape to re-visit their old home, they are shown crossing Tower Bridge, which as they have started their journey from the Isle of Dogs, means they are travelling South across the river, but the next shot shows them passing the 'London Gherkin', which is built on the former site of the Baltic Exchange, St Mary Axe, in the City of London, on the North Bank.

On Doyle's M4 he has an EOTech and a PVS-14 NVG night vision scope.

Whenever it shows him looking down the sight he has the standard cross hair, when in fact the EOTech would be a red ring with a dot in the middle.

Right after the virus breaks out again and the medical officer grabs the two kids from isolation she is trying to get them out of the building when a soldier stops them.

The soldier keeps calling her "sir" when in fact female officers in the US armed forces are addressed as "ma'am" by those of lesser rank, not "sir".

When Scarlet shoots the guard infected by Don, blood splatters over the window, covering the area where his hands are.

In the close up to his hands, most of the blood is gone, save for a few drips.

(at around 56 mins) Doyle fires his gun three times to kill four infected men.

However, at the third shot, two of them fall, but since they weren't lined, it would be impossible to kill both men with only one shot.

(at around 30 mins) There is a group of infected people attacking a car with people inside, (at around 37 mins) there is a shot of the car with no people around it.

Despite the smoke, there were infected people ahead of the car, and we should see them.

While trying to escape with the survivors, Scarlett is shot on the inside-front of her left leg, which she bandages up.

Later in the abandoned fairground/park she re-bandages her wound and it has moved to the outside-front of the leg.

SPOILER:(at around 1h 16 mins) When the helicopter is chopping the people to bits, just after Sam falls from the chopper, a soldier with his right arm and most of his torso blown away is seen casually walking away from the camera for about four seconds.

Box Office

12 August 2007 USA USD 28,637,507
5 August 2007 USA USD 28,628,783
29 July 2007 USA USD 28,611,554
22 July 2007 USA USD 28,586,503
8 July 2007 USA USD 28,472,453
1 July 2007 USA USD 28,440,125
24 June 2007 USA USD 28,249,146
17 June 2007 USA USD 28,031,155
10 June 2007 USA USD 27,624,093
3 June 2007 USA USD 26,591,704
27 May 2007 USA USD 24,401,556
20 May 2007 USA USD 18,914,924
USA USD 28,638,916
17 June 2007 UK GBP 5,246,454
10 June 2007 UK GBP 5,159,129
3 June 2007 UK GBP 4,938,925
27 May 2007 UK GBP 4,298,552
20 May 2007 UK GBP 3,335,395
worldwide USD 64,238,440
Non-USA USD 35,599,524
17 June 2007 Russia RUR 38,312,322
10 June 2007 Russia RUR 32,602,346
3 June 2007 Russia RUR 17,750,272
11 May 2007 USA USD 9,807,292 2303
11 May 2007 UK GBP 1,575,620 401
20 May 2007 Estonia USD 11,846 3
12 August 2007 USA USD 3,330 12
5 August 2007 USA USD 7,565 17
29 July 2007 USA USD 13,119 22
22 July 2007 USA USD 20,960 39
8 July 2007 USA USD 43,474 98
1 July 2007 USA USD 123,965 123
24 June 2007 USA USD 114,171 184
17 June 2007 USA USD 192,011 206
10 June 2007 USA USD 404,339 437
3 June 2007 USA USD 1,214,942 1,121
27 May 2007 USA USD 3,280,306 2,013
20 May 2007 USA USD 5,454,168 2,305
17 June 2007 UK GBP 28,942 61
10 June 2007 UK GBP 74,444 133
3 June 2007 UK GBP 186,888 258
27 May 2007 UK GBP 543,151 380
20 May 2007 UK GBP 882,692 401


When approaching sequels, especially in these dark, writers' strike-filled times, I always feel a sense of nausea, fear and intense loathing. And I'm sure I'm not alone in this...

I don't like this film, seriously, no kidding. Why----,very simple.

The beginning scene was epic! and after that i thought for sure the rest of the movie would pan out that way.

I was pleasantly surprised by 28 Days Later and was looking forward to the second movie 28 weeks later. I felt it isn't as good a the first one although it clearly had a much larger budget.

Actually coming 5 Years Later, this Sequel to the Danny Boyle Indie Hit "28 Days Later", is a Crisp, Bloody, Gore-Fest with a certain Eye for Location Shots and Impeccably Mounted Mayhem, much like the Original.There still is a goodly Amount of Shaky-Cam that surely Reached its Zenith about this time and any Subsequent Usage of this now Overused Post-Modern Trope is Tired to say the least.

When first hearing about this being released, I was really excited about because I loved the first one. But when reading about the US army coming in, I thought "oh dear".

This is undoubtedly one of the best viral zombie movies ever made, if not the best. It just had it all.

This is the first movie review I have ever written as I have never been so compelled before to do one. This movie is beyond stupid.

The deadly virus has decimated the city of London, exception a little zone where live people no-infected. The US army controls the city and is repopulating with good people.
